Friday 11 October 2013

Let not your heart be troubled if you believe in GOD.


In life we come across situations that make us just wanna give up. Yes the battle may be hard but just remember IT'S NOT OVER YET. Our God is a faithful God, He will never put more on us than we can bear. As much as it is difficult right now but know that in order for there to be a rainbow there has to be a thunderstorm. Uze ungadebeseli. Yes its hard but one day all your tears and pains will be of great joy. God will lift you up and give you what is rightfully yours, our God doesn't make mistakes. No He doesn't I can attest to that myself because I've been in the gutter, I had no hope, I had no one to turn to; but here I am today. God truly lifted me up, usengakwenza nakuwe, hlala ethembeni nje uhlale okholweni- uhlale ezwini Lakhe ngoba lona aliguquki; limile njalo. Let nothing disturb you or come between you and God; no amount of pain should do that. For greater He who is in me than that in the world. In conclusion, let us give God His time to play out His plans accordingly in our lives, let us not hinder our own success and blessings by trying to outsmart God. He knows what He is doing and relax He is only planning and thinking good thoughts for us at all times (Jeremiah 29v11) our God loves us always. GOD BLESS

Tuesday 13 August 2013

akukh' uJesu angek' akulungise.

Akukho Jesu angeke akulungise, yebo ngiyazi. As much as uba sezinkingeni that you sometimes think they are beyond you but know that nothing is impossible with God. Konke kuyenzeka kuYe, kholwa nguJesu nje uzobona kwenzeka. Yes ziyafika izikhathi la oke ucabange ukuyekelela but know ukuthi kuba mnyama kakhulu mase kuzosa and sekuzosa nakuwe uNkulunkulu is planning something big for you it's just that bekukwi-process. Bekezelela konke ngoba uJesu unobubele nawe futhi Yena wethembekile.

Monday 5 August 2013

Sometimes you just need someone to believe in your vision.
Weird pick-up lines: My doctor says I'm missing vitamin U

Life alone inspires me to go on, each and every day.


People may get you down but it doesn't matter how many times you've fallen to the ground it only matters how many times you've been able to get up, dust yourself and continue with your journey. That is the only way one can reach their dream, goal and destiny.