Thursday 15 May 2014

Care Free!

Young, carefree, innocent
You sing, laugh and dance
Taking in all Gods' glory
At every single chance.

Grown up
You ignore the wonders
that you cherished as a child
Gone is the carefree, honesty and mild.

You walk around with blinders on, 
Into the race of money and greed.
Not caring who gets hurt
Just to fulfill your selfish needs.

Stepping over the line of morals
to have wealth and material things
Ignoring all Gods gifts
Like the first rain in Spring

Keep that little child inside!
Hold her close to your heart,
We're only here for a brief time
Then with this world, we must part

For a moment each day
It's OK to get silly
to laugh and dance. 
Take in all Gods glory
At every single chance.

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